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1 of 1 KK03C - Axle Assembly Starter Kit - Inline - 9T/26T - 17.3 x 9.75mm Wheels - for Carrera KK03C - Axle Assembly Starter Kit - Inline - 9T/26T - 17.3 x 9.75mm Wheels - for Carrera

Kit includes:

       Aluminum wheels - 17.3 x 9.75 x 1.5mm (W17309715A)

       Inline 9T pinion gear, 5.5mm (PI09)

       Inline 26T crown gear - bronze (GI26B)

       54mm axle (PA01-54)

       Brass bushings for older Carrera (PA12)

       Grub screws (PA40)

       Spacers, 1mm (PA51)

Please note this newer version does not come with inserts like KK03B.

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